Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Part of the Past

Back in happier days

Deena Cora, Molly, Katie and Emily.

Karen and Laura

Leah, Shelby and their cousin Kylie

Chloe and Hailey

Now I sit in my house and watch the school buses go by and the memories float back into my mind.

I have a few grands now.

Some earlier pictures of them.

Leah and Chloe

Grandpa and Cora, Molly and Emily


Gram and Gramp and Grands

Wendy and Tylor and Aniyah

Leah and Chloe, a few years ago They are now 10.

Aniyah LeMaster

Dylan Lemaster

Sunday, February 23, 2020


Everything belongs on the floor according to Miss Sassy.
It's a great day, everything is coming up roses. All you have to do is believe it. 

Saturday, February 22, 2020

The Bad Day

Some days are better than others and this is not one of the good days. I keep pretending, thinking if I pretend enough it will happen. I am weak and just standing up is a major production. 
I'm not dehydrated anymore and no longer have a bladder infection so why do I still feel this way. Whatever happened that took me to the hospital seems to be just as it was. I want to sleep around the clock.  
Oh well, enough bellyaching. I just went to the doctor the other day and he didn't seem to think I had a problem. He isn't my DR. he fills in because my doctor is working somewhere else part-time, but yet you can no longer change doctors it seems. Maybe it's just us Medicare seniors. 

I am looking forward to warmer and longer days. February is a shorter month but it has already been here for two months this year.

 I love this dog named Lucy.
This is her spot. She is my granddaughter's dog.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Another Ramble

Life is dull at times and then you run across someone that brightens things up a little. I have a lady that helps with my cleaning. This lady is hilarious and interesting. I call her a chain talker because she never ceases to have something to say. She said one of her husbands committed suicide and she was pregnant at the time but she didn't know if the baby was his or not. I told her I hate when that happens. She said she knew who the father was when he was born. 
She said a lady came to see her and when she left she grabbed her purse and so she had to apply some injuries to her and ended up getting arrested because of it. Now she has to go to happy classes once a week. I asked what they do at happy class and she said someone talks to the class and everyone is looking at their phones and texting and yawning and the speaker doesn't seem to have his heart in it. 

I spent a night in the hospital for observation and you cannot sleep in a hospital so don't even try. In the past, they always gave me something good that would make me sleep. No one gets those good pills anymore. 
Have you ever had a bowl of broth without a grain of salt and green jello and tea for the beverage? I am a coffee drinker. 
I am home now and can eat and drink whatever I want to. So it's diet Pepsi. 

Friday, February 7, 2020

New Day

Getting younger everyday.

Wendy, Tylor and Aniyah

I had a birthday party for my oldest son, he is now 70. I also have a new great-great-granddaughter and she also came to the party and she stole the attention from great-grandpa, but he didn't seem to mind.

Great grand-parents
Daddy, Great-Great Grandma, Grandma, Great Grandma and baby. We were still in the hospital. 

Great Grandma Cori Kinder

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Life Gets Boring

When you get this old everything has got up and left or is trying to get up. The eyes are at half time and the ears are useless except to hang something dangly at the bottom of or some people poke holes in the lobes to enhance their looks. We spend a lifetime trying to look as well as we can. Well, not everyone. We're all made from different molds. We all have our own face, even twins are not 100% identical. Your chances of running into someone that looks exactly like you are very rare or maybe impossible. Think of that, out of the millions of people you have your own 'look'. So what was the purpose for it? Oh, I just thought of the answer to that.  You have to know which kid belongs to you or you might lose it and someone else will be stuck with him/her for life.

Maybe I should get up and do something, but where do I start. There are so many starting points I think I'll just forget it.
The memory is non-existent. I'm talking about me now. Carry a notepad and pen at all times and if you want to go into another room write the reason on the notepad and don't forget to take the notepad with you. 
 Mel, Karen, Kenny

My yarn came, I gotta go!