Thursday, December 10, 2020

Born To Lose

When you get this old you begin to outlive your appliances. The refrigerator was replaced a couple years ago as well as the TV.

Today the Washer decided it was time to give up the ghost. Right in the middle of a rinse cycle. There is no unplug for a couple minutes and replugging it. It began to rattle and make an awful sound. It was the death rattle because it refused to even make a noise later. I think it was old and probably came over on the Mayflower.  Kenny declared it had expired.

We give away our age with the expressions we use. I use expressions such as What in the Samhill is that. Even Spellcheck thinks I meant to say Yamhill. Whatever the Samhill does Yamhill mean?

Anyway, we ordered a new one that should arrive soon. I had to wring out as much water as I could and put them in the dryer. The dryer didn't fail me. 

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