Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Bumps and Curves

As I travel down the road of life I sometimes look in my rear view mirror and think of some if the bumps and curves I have encountered. I can't remember the day I started to school so it must not have been very impressive. I do remember the long walk to get there and how I met up with neighbor kids along the way. It was a mile and a half but it wasn't uphill both ways. There was one hill on the way. We cut across someones pasture and cut out a few steps. Some kids were lucky enough to ride a pony to school. It would be tied up until time to go home. I had two older brothers and one younger one to walk with. When it was winter you toughened up big time. There were no yellow school busses then. Girls wore dresses at all times. We also wore long stockings in the winter and a garter belt that hooked on to the the stockings. 
It wasn't all bad at least we didn't have to worry about anyone getting hooked on drugs, Well, not that I know of anyway. 
I know they had alcoholics then. So maybe they did have drug addicts. They would have been few and far between.
I had a calm life I can't think of one big thing that happened except for the time big trucks came by unloading long logs. My Dad went out and asked them what they were for and found that we were going to have electricity in the country, not just in town. Wow! exciting. 
Imagine having electric lights.
That is just a few of the changes we've seen over the years.
I am just killing time. 

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