Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The Cane Gang

I'm still able to get out and about, Chris and I decided to eat out for lunch today. We went to The Old Town Station because they have fabulous Fish and Chips. It is a hot day in the Yakima Valley. Her car is the economy car that has no bells and whistles or an air conditioner, but it gets us there and back. This car even has a reverse gear. 
I noticed a lot of old folk uses a cane, I think when we age we automatically become a member of the Cane Gang.  
I had a fabulous 91st birthday recently. It wasn't a planned party, but it ended up being a party. I am so thankful to everyone for your presence and presents. 
I also received a new Television and a stand to set it on. from Karen and Dennis (my daughter and husband, Dennis). It had close to a zillion screws and he didn't have his power screwdriver. He put it together, and I thank him for it. It was like watching a doctor and nurse performing a surgery. Karen was the nurse handing him the screws.   
Now I am enjoying the television. 
My life brought up to date.  

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The Silence is Heavenly

Sometimes when I turn the TV off the silence is wonderful. I've heard people say they turn their TV on just for the sound. Maybe they don't feel so alone. I turn mine off because I like to go on YouTube and whatever you have an interest in you can find it on there. Music, hobbies, instructions, questions, patterns, people, etc. It's better than Google. 
I've searched Facebook for anyone I ever knew, I do believe. It isn't taking much of my time these days. I finally wised up to the clickbait garbage. They show a fascinating picture of something, but if you want to read the story you click on the story and then the ads galore and two lines of the story. I think we've all wised up to that now so they need to come up with something new. 
Fall is creeping upon us. The days are getting shorter already. 
I think this is enough gibberish for now. 

Enjoy the Fall

Thursday, August 15, 2019

This Old Life

Now that I am in my adulthood I think a lot about my childhood before everything started hurting. 
I couldn't wait until I was 5 so I could go to school. After about a week, it was enough of that already, but they had swings and teeter-totters and a slide and I excelled in those things. Jumping rope was my favorite and I could do that at home.
Now I'm over the hill and almost to the bottom of it I can't help but wonder what is next. I know what we've heard all our lives, but how will that be, do we remember who we are or do we start over like a newborn baby?  I hope I remember that I've been potty trained. 
In the meantime, I will plod along and count my blessings and curse my curses.
I received a valuable piece of advice recently that if you say something bad about someone always follow it with, bless her heart or his heart. That will erase your evil intent. You know, I'm still learning things in my adulthood. 

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Old as Mold

Now that I am a run-down old dilapidated woman closing in on my 91st birthday, I wonder what is in store for me. I am now on my last leg and I only had two, to begin with.
My days are so exciting I can hardly wait for the next one. Do the laundry or unload the dishwasher. One is about as exciting as the other.
I get up and ask myself, why do I always dream I am looking for my car or my shoes. In my dreams, I never find either one. Sometimes I dream I'm driving my car and can't find the place I'm looking for. 
If it wasn't for those exciting dreams I wouldn't have any life at all.
This is short and sweet
and if you don't like it you can
smell my feet!
I'm the new Edgar Allan Poe
The Bottom

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

A Little Drivel

It's Summertime and the sun shines and quite truthfully it's hotter than hell. I am not swearing, hell is a place. Heat can zap the energy out of you. I feel like a wilted weed. 
I went to a beauty shop today and got a perm, the first one I've had in years and I love it and will be getting them on a regular basis from this day forward. The lady has a shop in her home which is almost in the country and she doesn't charge an arm and a leg. She has two big beautiful cats and two little dogs. The drive to and from was beautiful. This is beautiful country here on the NW corner of the USA. And it doesn't rain all the time.  In fact, it doesn't rain enough in this area, we depend on irrigation for the crops and yards.

I am going to be a great-great-grandma in February I believe. If it's a boy he will keep the Lemaster name going. Otherwise, our name will be a thing of the past from my branch of the tree or any other branch that I can think of. Well, I suppose they could have another child in the future or my other great-grandson, Dylan could father a boy. 
A few old pictures.

Hollis and Dar
My brother and SIL
Terry and Laura Johnson
My Great-Grand-sons, Tylor and Dylan
In their youth

Saturday, August 3, 2019

The Past is Past

The awful things that happen during this time of our lives are terrible. I'm speaking of El Paso. 
Those poor families have to wait forever to know if their family member has been shot or were they even there. Hospitals aren't expecting something so horrible to happen so they are understaffed.
How times have changed. When I was a kid we didn't know much if anything about what was happening.
We received a newspaper and I don't recall if it was daily or weekly. It was delivered by the mailman. We lived in the country, I'm not sure what happened in town. Most folks didn't have a radio.
I remember when the Pearl Harbor event happened, we didn't know anything about it until a friend who lived a couple miles away rode over on his horse to tell us about it because he knew our oldest brother was stationed there. 
Now we have newspapers, radios, telephones, television, the internet, and the grapevine.

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Old Age is Terminal

This pretty much sums up my life. Sit in the recliner and take random naps. TV gets a little boring. 
My  91st birthday is looking for me. It is coming up this month. 
I sit in a recliner because my back hurts. I have Osteoporosis and it does a number on you over the years.  

Excuse me while I take this call.
Part of my clan.  This is an older picture because that baby is now two years old.

I helped myself to this picture because it reminds me of me. I have no clue what the caption says so I hope I don't get in trouble. If so, my sentence couldn't be too long because I won't be here. 

This is all she wrote!