Saturday, September 7, 2019

Autumn Leaves

When you get this far over the hill you just try to hang on as long as you can. Life goes on and we get by the best we can. I have a very low tolerance for waiting for anything. One of my doctors must move like a snail. It's always a two-hour wait until I wised up. I now make my appointments for the earliest one they have available so I can hurry home and sit in my recliner. I have a 7:30 AM appointment next week with an eye doctor. I will be getting a shot in my eyeball, it doesn't hurt at all, but I always flinch and nearly jump out of the chair. I think most of us would do anything to save our eyesight. 
Summer will soon be over and the leaves will be falling off the trees. I love the Fall colors and weather. 

At my very best

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