Monday, September 23, 2019

Have a Blast

When you wake up you never know what you are facing. Was there another terrible storm or a shooting? Or some new Punkism movement. Just dodge the bullets and relax! The worst is yet to come. If you're old you're probably in pain of some kind or so old and tired you can barely move.
If you wonder what someone is doing just go to their Facebook page. 
A waiting room is full of people with phones in their hands.  Nowadays we don't visit people we hang with them. Don't you have friends you hang with?
I am all of the above and below.



nothoughtsnoprayersnonothing said...

I like that word "Punkism." "Punkism." There I wrote it again. And now I'm going to attempt to say it out loud 5 times real fast.

It may not cure my "pain of every kind and my tiredness that I can barely move" but it made me laugh.

North Charleston TV Repairs said...

Greeat blog you have