Monday, September 16, 2019

Gripe and Groan

The climate is changing. Living on another planet may be the only solution. I'm not losing any sleep over it yet. 
 We're going to have an undercover Water Park here, it is expected to open in November. It doesn't sound like much fun in the Wintertime. 
The days are endless, and the nights are more than endless. If I could still drive everything would be fine. I feel trapped. I  can crochet and knit but you can only use so much of that stuff. I like to work crossword puzzles now and then but not constantly. I enjoyed the Jigsaw Puzzles that Facebook had, but those are messed up and impossible for me to get one to open. I don't understand why they had to get so complicated. I used to work Freecell until I burned out on it. I don't care for the games I've looked into and reading is for the birds. 
That's my tale of woe!

What's yours?

1 comment:

nothoughtsnoprayersnonothing said...

Cheer Up!

I have the same woes
That's how it goes
Blogging will keep us on our toes