Thursday, September 19, 2019

Boredom Rules

Who wants to live to be 100? Not I said the little red hen. See, I'm in my second childhood! Is there a 3rd childhood? I'll probably make that one too. 
Winter is approaching and those are gloomy days. Look on the brighter side, when the snow starts flying it'll be brighter. 
One night recently we had a thunder storm. It woke me up in the middle of the night and I couldn't understand for a while what it was. I thought something was happening on my street. I finally caught on. They don't happen very often around here, that's my excuse.
I am so thankful we don't (knock on wood) have those awful storms around here. I know there could be a first. 

Well, you know I have no place to go and nothing to do so I think I will go to bed. I can take up where I left off tomorrow. 

Happy September to you.

1 comment:

nothoughtsnoprayersnonothing said...

I have a sneaky suspicion you might be my next door neighbor. I think I heard that same thunder storm but got no badly needed rain. Am thankful -- no flooding!