Sunday, March 29, 2020

Waiting for What

Well, here we sit waiting for the other shoe to drop so we can get on with our lives. What if it never drops, are we going to live on the edge till the end of time?  I don't think time comes to an end. I lost my zeal for crocheting.

It can get very boring when you have nothing to talk to but the cat. My phone doesn't even ring. Am I the only one left on the planet? I always hate to call others because they may be busy. We can still text. I just heard my phone ding or was it the Microwave reminding me of something I forgot about. 
I am glad I have no little kids to worry about. Imagine being cooped up for days with a couple little kids. Dogs and cats probably don't care as long as you feed them.
Covid-19 is a killer on the loose. He is such a coward and picks on the sick and elderly. 
This is all I have to say. Just back up and sit down, it will end soon. I wish. 

Remember when phones had tails and computers were two feet tall?

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