Thursday, January 28, 2021

More Corn from Cornville

Will wonders ever cease? I doubt it. I ordered some BBQ sauce through Amazon and they send me an empty envelop. I wonder why. I just this minute answered my phone and a voice said 'You have been kicked from this conference". I wonder why. 

I found my blue yarn that has been missing for weeks. It was right under my nose all this time and I couldn't find it. I wonder why. 

I can fight sleep all evening and when I finally go to bed my brain flies open and I remember every terrible thing that ever happened to me. I wonder why.

Amazon apologized and refunded my money. I had enough in the almost empty bottle to work. Chris had given me some BBQ meat that she had made and it was so good I just had to make some more. I had ordered the BBQ sauce and Amazon posted this morning that it had been delivered so I put the beef in the frying pan and called Polly to ask if she would get my mail for me. She always does but I needed it a little sooner. She brought it to me along with the empty envelop and now the meat is ready for the sauce and no sauce. About this time Kenny dropped in and I told him about the dilemma, I had the old bottle of sauce so he put a few drops of water in it and shook the bottle and out comes just enough sauce to flavor the meat and it was excellent. He saved the day! It may not sound like a big deal to you but it was to me. A really big deal to have something good to eat. If he had not been here I wouldn't have thought if it. Sometimes people show up at just the right time. I wonder why.

Is it just a coincidence or do we have guardian angels that sometime gets off their butt and helps us. Sorry, guardian angel, I just had to say it.   

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