Saturday, November 6, 2021


It's a beautiful sunshiny Saturday morning in the Yakima valley. I'm sitting in my corner listening to my Goat roping music as Chris calls it. Some country is a little gaggy, that is a new adjective I made up. Well, maybe not, spellcheck thinks it's okay. I will admit you can not sleep with Goat Roping music. It keeps you awake. Sometimes you almost jump out of your chair. BUT I like it!!! I need exercise and that is about as close as I'm going to get.

I have about given up my Hooker career. That is what crocheters are known as. I have crocheted so many little dodads that they are coming out of my ears. No, wait that is my new hearing aids in my ears. They will get better as they get used to me or I get used to them. They need to be turned down a few notches, I hear every little squeak that happens down the street. I am afraid of the dark and at night I constantly hear noises just outside the door. Scares the peewadden out of me. Spell check thinks peewadden should be Pete Wadden. He probably wouldn't like it either. 
I have nothing on my agenda today unless Chris can get us an appt for haircuts. The last appt had to be canceled. 
Sassy, the cat gets under my elbow as I am trying to type. She is stronger than I am. I try to pick her up and sit her on the floor and she digs into the chair and I don't want my chair ruined so I leave her alone.

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