Tuesday, November 30, 2021

The Birds Have it

A long time ago my husband and I went to the annual Carnival that was part of the Fall Fair. We came upon the game of winning a parakeet. He decided he would give it a try and Bingo! he won a parakeet. We bought a cage for it and enjoyed it. I think we named him Pete. They are messy and require a lot of time keeping the cage clean. We had it for a year or so until we took a trip to visit my family. We had friends that took the parakeet to care for while we were gone. The Parakeet died while we were gone. I am not sure why or don't remember but we had the cage and one day I saw a little grey bird in the back yard fluttering around and it couldn't get off the ground so I picked it up and I don't know if his wing was broken or what so I put it in the cage and nursed it back to health. It finally got better so I took it outside and put it on the ground. It tried so hard to fly but just couldn't do anything but flutter around. Finally one day when I sat it on the ground it went flying off into the wild blue yonder. The bird was happy and I was happy and I hope he found some friends or his family.
I think it looked like this one, but I don't remember those big feet.

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