Friday, July 1, 2022


 I have a strange gift if you want to call it that. It's called ESP (extra sensory perception). The only time it kicks in is to let me know bad news is about to happen. One time I had the same dream over and over. I dreamed a small plane had crashed in the vacant property across the corner from our house. Not once, but several times the same identical dream. Another dream I kept dreaming of was about a creek that I was trying to wade across, I could never get across it and there were big rocks in it and I kept trying to get over the rocks.  I dreamed I looked up and there were two flags sailing above the creek. One was an American flag and I didn't recognize the other flag. I knew it was an omen of some kind and I remember sharing the weird dream with Karen and Dennis, my daughter and husband.

Another time I was driving up the street to go pick up the twins who had something going on at our church when, out of the blue, a large flock of birds had swooped down and were headed straight for my car and then they lifted and flew over the top of my car and went on their way. I believed they were trying to tell me something.
Time moves on and our only Grandson was killed in a small plane crash.
At his funeral service, the Boy Scouts (he was a Boy Scout) were honoring him at the funeral service and two Scouts were coming down the aisle, one had the American flag and the other one had the Boy Scout Flag. I whispered to my Son-in-law, Dennis that those are the flags that were in my dream. If birds ever fly near my window it gives me a creepy feeling. ESP is not a gift, It's bad news in my case. 
I just threw this in to cheer things up a tad.

1 comment:

XImena Jimena said...

Hello everyone my name Ximena Jimena from Cuba i want to use this medium to inform the world on how i got cured from Herpes at first when i had symptoms back in 2014 i went for test and it came out positive i lost hope of getting a better relationship or marriage, everything changed when i met Dr Itua i contacted explained everything to him and he said he has the cure so i decided to order it from him, so i actually did after 2 weeks i went for test and i was negative i'm forever grateful to him.he can also cure
sickle cell anaemia
pityriasis rosea etc.